
Solidarity with Ukraine #ERNcare4Ua

Medical support for refugees with rare kidney disease!

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Black Pearl Award 2022

Franz Schaefer has won the prestigious Black Pearl Award of the European Rare Disease Patient Organisation, EURORDIS, in the field of science and…

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Just published in Nature Reviews Urology! Consensus statement of the ERKNet CAKUT-Obstructive Uropathy Work Group

Definition, diagnosis and management of fetal lower urinary tract obstruction

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ERKNet Holiday Newsletter

We wish you safe and peaceful holidays with your families!

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ERKNet Survey | Cinacalcet in infants

Dear colleagues,

The ERKNet and ESPN working groups on dialysis and CKD-MBD are currently collecting experience with dialysis patients less than 3…

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ERKNet Survey | NSAID in patients with NDI or Bartter Syndrome

Last chance to participate | Survey open until 31.01.22

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KDIGO 2021 Guideline for the Management of Glomerular Diseases

KDIGO has just announced the publication of the 2021 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Glomerular Diseases.

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2020 ERKReg Annual Report

It is our pleasure to share with you the 2020 ERKReg registry annual report.

This report is based on patient data submitted to www.registry.erknet.or…

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