ERKNet Reference Center


Padua, Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova


Division of Nephrology


The Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation Unit at Padova University Hospital includes a multidisciplinary team that offers full medical services including clinical nephrology and hypertension clinic, chronic and end stage renal disease in the predialysis stage outpatient clinic, posttransplant clinic and follows about 120 chronic dialysis patients with about 360 dialysis treatments per week in addition to the acute needs for renal replacement treatments with all different types of RRT coming from all the Units of the Hospital including Intensive Care Units. The clinical service is complemented by a wide range of research activities, which include experimental research in different fields such as chronic kidney disease, dialysis, transplantation and hypertension in a dedicated laboratory and participates in numerous investigator and industry driven clinical trials. The Unit includes a Laboratory of Histomorphology and Molecular Biology of the Kidney and hosts academic activities for the School of Medicine, the Postgraduate School of Nephrology, and the PhD School in Clinical Sciences. Our laboratory provides molecular diagnostic service for Dent disease at national level. A very close collaboration with the Genetic Department at Padova University Hospital has been implemented for applying NGS technology to the diagnosis of the rare tubulopathies Bartter's and Gitelman's disease and Dent disease for which our Division of Nephrology has a particular expertise and dedicate follow up clinic. Our Unit is part of the international Rare Kidney Stone Consortium (RKSC, Mayo Clinic Rochester USA), in particular of the Dent Disease Registry. The clinical service is complemented by a wide range of both clinical and basic research activities, which include genetic and experimental research.


Senior clinician experts

Lorenzo Calo   (HCP Deputy Lead)   [e-mail]

Junior clinician experts

Gianni Carraro

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Dorella Del Prete   [e-mail]

Clinicians in training

Martina Cacciapucoti   [e-mail]

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Matteo Rigato   [e-mail]

Clinical geneticists


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Franca Anglani   [e-mail]

Laboratory researchers


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Giovanni Bertoldi   [e-mail]

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Monica Ceol   [e-mail]

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Lisa Gianesello   [e-mail]

Disease expertise

» Tubulopathies
» Metabolic & stone disorders
» AD structural kidney disorders


Lorenzo Calò
Telephone: 0039-049-8213070 (se

