Webinar: ESPN WG Inherited Kidney Diseases

The ESPN WG Inherited Kidney Diseases  would like to invite to a webinar on Tuesday, April 18th at 4.30 PM CET. 

They have put together an interesting program and are delighted that renowned speakers have agreed to present. They expand their continued collaboration with their colleagues from the working group “Genes&Kidney” in ERA. It is their special pleasure to welcome Elena Levtchenko as the WG’s liaison person to ERA as a moderator, Albertien van Eerde as a speaker and Emilie Cornec-Le Gall from the WG “Genes and Kidney” from ERA as a moderator. 

Moderators: Elena Levtchenko, George-Claudiu Costea and Emilie Cornec -Le Gall 

4.30 PM CET: Francesco Emma/Detlef Bockenhauer: Updates on the management of Bartter and Gitelman syndrome. 

5 PM CET: George-Claudiu Costea: To know or not to know...not your typical Dent family

5.15 PM CET: Albertien van Eerde:  Look beyond your typical horizon: genetic kidney diseases in adults

5.45 PM CET Max Liebau: Concluding remarks from the WG

They are looking forward to seeing you online. Below please find the link:


Meeting ID: 876 4437 3821

Passcode: 525213



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