Call for new ePAG Chair and Co-chair candidates

Are you interested in becoming a ePAG Chair or Co-Chair? Apply now!

Apply now till the 2nd July 2024!

Since it's time to rotate the Chair positions we are looking for a new ePAG Chair and Co-Chair for the period from February 2025 -2027!

Empower Patients, Drive Change: Be Our ERKNet Chair or Co-Chair!

As the ePAG Chair or Co-Chair, you will play a crucial role in our network by overseeing and supporting the activities of the ePAGs. This position comes with responsibilities, but more importantly, it offers a fantastic opportunity to stay closely connected with our ERKNet activities and to be the voice of the ePAGs within our network.

A precise description of ePAG Chairs tasks:

  1. Join the ERKNet Executive Committee Board team and collaborate on ePAG participation in ERKNet Working Groups:

    • Ensure the Chairs are familiar with the ePAG members of each of the 9 Working Groups and the corresponding Doctor Leads (information available on the website). Work through the 9 ePAG Leads to collect information on activities and promote teamwork.
    • Regularly consult the website to stay informed and promote its use to other ePAG members.
  2.  Promote and assist with administrative tasks and meetings to contact new patient associations from other countries to include them in the ERKNet ePAG. As part of the ERKNet Organization Team, make decisions and handle procedures for the entry of new ePAGs or Supporting Partners.

    • Follow the endorsement procedures for new Patient Advocates with the ePAG Manager to submit them to EURORDIS for official registration (including the Agreement between Patient Organization and ERKNet, and Endorsement Letters for ePAGs and Supporting Partners).

    • Prepare and send the agenda, minutes, and meeting invitation links for bi-monthly ePAG meetings to all ePAG members, the ERKNet Project Manager, and the EURORDIS Patient Engagement Manager.

    • Attend meetings with the ERKNet Organization Team (ERKNet ePAG Manager, ePAG Chairs, and EURORDIS Patient Engagement Manager).

  3. Collect one or two slides from each ePAG Working Group Lead for the onsite ERKNet Annual Meeting ePAG Report and present them.

  4. Be part of the EURORDIS Steering Committee and participate in or help coordinate ePAG participation in EURORDIS Transversal Group:

    • Participate in three or four online calls per year and one onsite meeting (one day).


▶️ For further information, click here.

▶️ Apply now by contacing s.carvajal[at] or valentina.neukel[at]! Just write us a short email to indicate your interest.
