49th Certain/ERKNet Workshop

Interdisciplinary Study Group Renal Transplantation in Paediatrics


We kindly invite you to the 49th CERTAIN Workshop on May 12, 2023 from 13:00 - 17:00 CEST. This is a combined workshop of the CERTAIN research network, the ESPN and GPN Working Group "Renal Transplantation" and the ERKNet Working Group "Transplantation". The scientific program is currently being compiled. Please register online http://certain-registry.eu/conference; registration keyword: gpn49symposium.


Looking forward to meeting you soon in the online conference room!



7th International Workshop on Alport Syndrome

This workshop will spotlight the latest developments in Alport Syndrome.


EURORDIS Webinar: Guide to developing a Patient Journey

This webinar will be on March 20th, 2024 from 15.00 -16.00 CET

Exploring Patient Journeys: Enhancing healthcare services through patient-centered…
