49th Certain/ERKNet Workshop

Interdisciplinary Study Group Renal Transplantation in Paediatrics


We kindly invite you to the 49th CERTAIN Workshop on May 12, 2023 from 13:00 - 17:00 CEST. This is a combined workshop of the CERTAIN research network, the ESPN and GPN Working Group "Renal Transplantation" and the ERKNet Working Group "Transplantation". The scientific program is currently being compiled. Please register online http://certain-registry.eu/conference; registration keyword: gpn49symposium.


Looking forward to meeting you soon in the online conference room!



EURODIS Webinar: Patient Representatives Involvement in the ERN Evaluation

Exchange of Good Practice webinar

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7. ERKNet ikgadējā sanāksme

ERKNet ikgadējā sanāksme ir pasākums, kurā veselības aprūpes speciālisti un ePAG divas dienas apspriež jaunas pētniecības pieejas, dalās zināšanās un…

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49th Certain/ERKNet Workshop

Interdisciplinary Study Group Renal Transplantation in Paediatrics


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[ONLY IN GERMAN] Familien Nephro Symposium 2023

Das 3. Familien-Nephro-Symposium wird am 13. und 14. Mai 2023 in Heidelberg stattfinden! - Anmeldeschluss ist am 15. April 2023!

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Eiropas Bērnu ar hronisku nieru mazspēju psihosociālo aspektu darba grupas (EWOPA) 51. ikgadējā sanāksme

EWOPA ir daudznozaru grupa, kas interesējas par bērnu un pusaudžu ar hronisku nieru slimību (CKN) psihosociālo aprūpi. Bērnu CKD ir reta slimība, kas…

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[ONLY IN GERMAN] Patiententag für aHUS und C3-Glomerulopathie/MPGN 2023

Das Patiententag für aHUS und C3-Glomerulopathie/MPGN wird am 23. September 2023 in Heidelberg stattfinden! - Anmeldeschluss ist am 30.06.2023.

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[ONLY IN SPANISH] 53 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología

Descubra el futuro de la nefrología en el corazón de Palma de Mallorca, del 11 al 13 de noviembre!

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[ONLY IN GERMAN] Wenn es um die Nieren geht

Infotag zum nephrotischen Syndrom

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ERKNet/EURORDIS Webinar: "Patient Involvement in Guidelines" by Matt Johnson

We invite you to attend an insightful webinar delivered by Matt Bolz-Johnson, focusing on patient engagement in guideline development.

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First HLRCC Symposium 2024

Join us on June 20th, 2024, for the first HLRCC Symposium to improve diagnosis and treatment of HLRCC.

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