Current Number of Patients enrolled in the ERKNet-Registry

All ERKNet centers
pediatric adult total
total active total active total active
Glomerulopathies 4458 3292 4987 2788 9445 6080
Tubulopathies 1370 946 738 418 2108 1364
Metabolic nephropathies 605 458 352 225 957 683
Thrombotic microangiopathies 889 670 167 91 1056 761
CAKUT 5266 3705 403 143 5669 3848
AD structural diseases 1230 877 3265 1662 4495 2539
Recessive cystic nephropathies 702 550 170 89 872 639
Rare causes of hypertension 184 139 12 5 196 144
TOTAL 14704 10637 10094 5421 24798 16058
Pediatric CKD and dialysis 13063 9713
Pediatric transplantation 1518 1200

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the dRTA-Registry

All dRTA centers
pediatric adult total
232 25 257

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the Pediatric SLE Registry

All SLE centers
pediatric adult total
117 6 123

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the EUROCYS Cystinuria Registry

All EUROCYS Cystinuria centers
pediatric adult total
130 285 415

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the Bartter Registry

All Bartter centers
pediatric adult total
158 18 176

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the esCapeKD Registry and Cohort Study

All esCapeKD centers
pediatric adult total
97 0 97

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the CompCure Registry and Cohort Study

All CompCure centers
pediatric adult total
93 16 109