ERKNet member: ERKReg Training Session

We regularly offer open trainings for new and advanced ERKReg editors. If you have new colleagues or need a refresher, register at least 3 days before the training. You will receive a Zoom link 1-2 days before.


The session will be divided into 2 different parts:
40 min - Basic information about ERKReg, how to enter a patient, Do's and Don'ts, where to find important information.

20 min - Questions and answers. Feel free to send us your questions in advance via the registration form or ask them live.


Upcoming training dates:




EURODIS Webinar: Patient Representatives Involvement in the ERN Evaluation

Exchange of Good Practice webinar

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7-asis ERKNet metinis susitikimas

ERKNet metinis susitikimas - tai renginys, kuriame sveikatos priežiūros specialistai ir ePAG dvi dienas aptaria naujus mokslinių tyrimų metodus,…

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49th Certain/ERKNet Workshop

Interdisciplinary Study Group Renal Transplantation in Paediatrics


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[ONLY IN GERMAN] Familien Nephro Symposium 2023

Das 3. Familien-Nephro-Symposium wird am 13. und 14. Mai 2023 in Heidelberg stattfinden! - Anmeldeschluss ist am 15. April 2023!

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Europos vaikų, sergančių lėtiniu inkstų nepakankamumu, psichosocialinių aspektų darbo grupės (EWOPA) 51-asis metinis susitikimas

EWOPA yra daugiadisciplininė grupė, besidominti vaikų ir paauglių, sergančių lėtine inkstų liga (LIL), psichosocialine priežiūra. Vaikų CKD yra reta…

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[ONLY IN GERMAN] Patiententag für aHUS und C3-Glomerulopathie/MPGN 2023

Das Patiententag für aHUS und C3-Glomerulopathie/MPGN wird am 23. September 2023 in Heidelberg stattfinden! - Anmeldeschluss ist am 30.06.2023.

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[ONLY IN SPANISH] 53 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología

Descubra el futuro de la nefrología en el corazón de Palma de Mallorca, del 11 al 13 de noviembre!

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[ONLY IN GERMAN] Wenn es um die Nieren geht

Infotag zum nephrotischen Syndrom

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ERKNet/EURORDIS Webinar: "Patient Involvement in Guidelines" by Matt Johnson

We invite you to attend an insightful webinar delivered by Matt Bolz-Johnson, focusing on patient engagement in guideline development.

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First HLRCC Symposium 2024

Join us on June 20th, 2024, for the first HLRCC Symposium to improve diagnosis and treatment of HLRCC.

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